Sunday, May 21, 2006

Popeye the Smoothie OR Smoothie Will Drink Itself

This smoothie had two eyes for a delicious 3 seconds whilst I reached for my camera, and then Gracie bumped my arm and the eye on the right popped. You can still see the outline of it on the cup. Maybe it was the deliciosity that popped the smoothie's eye, because he actually appears to be drinking himself. Posted by Picasa

homeland security he he camera

Look. I'm walking toward the checkout, and I'm finished shopping when this bright orange package jumps out at me. Good packaging, because I almost thought it was a real product. Maybe it is, but I'm pretty sure the Homeland Security division of the United States Federal Government doesn't sell cut-rate surveillance cams at the Walmarks. Posted by Picasa

Princess Oh No

Looking at this, you know it was a premeditated face. It had to be, because it fits with the crown. Also good to be aware that Princess Oh No will nab the straw to your Sonic drink and begin chuggage.
 Posted by Picasa

apathetic speaker party

The really great thing is not that they're having a party and remaining quite dull, but look at the snaky red beard on this guy. Sweet! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Jetsons Maid Corkscrew

Rosie has rein-robo-nated as my corkscrew. Posted by Picasa

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

I decided to do Taco Bueno for Cinco de Mayo on Friday. I had the menu at my desk, so I wrote on a posty note what I wanted before I left the office. Chicken Tacquitos, Nachos with Queso, Cinnamon Chips, and a Large Diet Coke (like the Diet Coke would make a big difference). I land it on my desk for the lunch munch and this Mexican Robot appears. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

And then it hits you

You've seen a lot of faces everywhere - on trucks and houses and food - but none of them really satisfy you. And then one day, you're riding to a wedding with people and you're just hanging in the back seat of their van, and... ahhhhhHHH. A big comfy smile like the cool side of the pillow. Like the dryer vent in December. Like puppies in slow motion.

Ian had a pc story book...

... and there was a character in the story that sang,
"I'm a beeea-verrr, and I rap!
And I wear a baseball cap!"

face like a truck

A mosquito or a fly maybe. Mosquitos are only this big in Florida, right? Wait! Round glasses... I think it's a Beatle!

Monday, May 01, 2006

yOu WiLL aSsImiLatE

So I'm driving along the Interstate, and suddenly my XM flips to techno and the a/c cranks up to Frosty Goodness.
I did not "WANT TO PLAY A GAME" so I began to Google around my auto for the hack.
When what to my wandering eyes should appear (or wondering, is it?)
but a double-head-flapped robo boss with a vengeance my dear.
It threatened to blind me with one bulb or two,
but I scoffed and taunted "not enough wattage have you!"
The thing then pelted me with ink pens and sunglasses
while shaking my SUV from engine to chassis.
I made the next exit and stomped through my brake
No flack from any cousin of Herbie would I take.
Hostility considered, I offered a shot
of Armor-All and you know what
It blinked twice, asked for ice and confessed
it really just wanted to be friends it guessed.