Captain's log: Stardate-17 June 2006. Planet-Local convenience store. >I bought a Diet Coke and some Chex Mix for me, and a honey bun for Ian. As I stretched my hand across the counter to pass the money to the lady, I noticed this little guy snoring. I was careful to think of what I might do next. 1. Take a picture without asking, and cause the lady to think I might be casing the joint... OR, 2. reveal to the lady that I had a light obsessive compulsive disorder which included the small niche of taking pictures of non-humans taking the form of a face... OR, 3. dismiss the pink elephant with the mindpower of a Jedi. You can logically eliminate option three since you are looking at the picture. Number one didn't seem like the thing to do, particularly since I don't photograph well on surveillance cameras. So, yeah. It went like "Um, you might think this is weird, but..." she raises her eyebrow, "I have a website..." I wasn't sure if she'd know what a blog is, "where I post pictures of things that look like they have a face." Pause for a 1/2 second breath that seemed like the amount of time it takes Cingular to answer a question about your bill. I point to it... "and that right there has a face."Such a blank stare was derived from my statements that now the convenience store lady herself seemed not to have a face. I'm pretty sure all the blood from her face rushed to her butt. Even so, she uttered a searingly analystic up-on-the-2nd-syllable "uh huhhHH." I could nearly put a question mark there, but she wasn't asking - or wanting an answer. Me: "Umm, so-o-o-o-o... do you mind if I take a picture of it?" Lady as if I had cat's eye marbles in my nose: "Suuuure. You can actually take it with you." And she pushes it on the counter toward me.I'm telling you this so you can appreciate the fine work posted herein and get a firm grip on the day-to-day aspects of such an illogical hobby. You're welcome.